Network Enabled Weapon

ALKA Directed Energy Weapon System [DEWS]; uses electromagnetic and laser technology against asymmetric threats as very close hybrid air defense system. 

Threats are interfered by Electromagnetic Jamming System [EJS] and are destroyed by Laser Destruction System [LDS] with two-layered defense architecture. It can also be used to counter bomb traps in residential areas and roadside Improvised Explosive Devices [IEDs].

System Specifications

  • Effective Laser Destruction Range 750 m
  • Interfering Mini / Micro UAVs by EJS
  • Detecting and Tracking Threats by Radar
  • High Precision Target Tracking with Electro-Optical Target Tracking System
  • Selection of the Precise Destruction Point on the Target
  • Automatic Target Detection and Tracking Through Artificial Intelligence Assisted Image Processing [Minimum False Alarm / Warning Rate]
  • Ability to Command from the Command Center Day-Night Operations
  • Low Cost per Shot Compared to Conventional Methods
  • Mobile and / or Stationary Usage

ALKA Network Enabled Weapons Concept 

  • Ability to Work Alone and/or In a Network Structure
  • Redundant Command & Control Capability on Each Vehicle
  • Autonomous Targeting of Multiple Laser on the Same Point on Target in the Network Structure
  • Threat Evaluation and Weapon Assignment [TEWA] Against Multiple Threats
  • Ability to Integrate With Different Radar and/or EJSs
  • Low False Alarm Rate With Data Fusion [Multi-Sensor Usage]

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